shipping boxes
  • Shipping Tips to Ensure That Even the Most Fragile Packages Reach Their Destinations Safely

  • Published By:
  • Category: Packaging Boxes
  • Published Date: October 8, 2020
  • Modified Date: February 8, 2023
  • Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Shipping Boxes

Although packing fragile items might not seem complicated, thousands of people still receive their products damaged due to careless packaging techniques or substandard packaging materials. Mail transportation can be a rough ride occasionally, despite efforts taken by mail carriers to protect the contents of their packages. These are some tips to help you optimally package your fragile goods to avoid damage en route to their destination.

Use Sturdy Packaging Materials

One of the biggest mistakes that novices make when constructing their packages is the use of non-sturdy materials. Chipboard boxes and boxes with damaged flaps are not good options for protecting fragile materials as they are often structurally unsound and subject to breakage during transport.

You should also consider using brown or clear packaging tape as opposed to lighter tapes. These types of tape are formulated to grasp the cardboard shipping container more reliably than other tapes. Duct tape, masking tape, and cellophane tape are poor substitutes for a thicker, grippier packaging tape.

Cushion the Interior of the Package

After sturdy external packaging, the second most important piece of the package-protection program is to make sure that you include a hearty supply of defensive materials inside the box. Packing peanuts, styrofoam, bubblewrap, recycled paper, and air cushions are some of the most command stuffing materials, but there are others you can use as well.

The majority of fragile material breakages happen during small shifts inside the package. Ideally, you should limit the mobility of the fragile material by tightly packing filler around it to prevent these shifts during flights or on the mail truck.

Styrofoam pieces and sheets of bubble wrap are great filler materials because they allow a bit of give while simultaneously holding the fragile material in place.

Wrap the Goods

As a complement to filler inside the shipping container, you should also wrap the fragile material itself. For packages that contain two or more fragile materials, wrap them separately to avoid collisions with one another that might result in damage. Wrap materials that contain liquids, such as glass bottles, in water-tight coverings that will mitigate loss in the event of a break.

Also, if you’re shipping something hollow, such as a vase, make sure to stuff packing material in the hollow. This will help prevent movement while in transit, which will help decrease damage.

The Two-Box Method

As an added precautionary method, you might want to use two shipping boxes instead of one. The inner box should fit within a couple of inches of the outer box, with packaging filler in between. This method protects against punctures and also aids in shock absorption.

When you ship something to a friend, family member, or customer, you of course want it to arrive at its destination safely. However, due to a multitude of reasons and travel conditions, packages often arrive damaged. To give your package the best chance of reaching its recipient in good condition, take the time to wrap and package it properly. This will cut down on how much your parcel is jostled and crushed while on its journey.

Anita Ginsburg

By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. When you’re planning to send a parcel in the mail, make sure to get new shipping boxes to keep your package as safe as possible.

Member since July, 2019
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