latest wedding invitation trends
  • The Latest Trends In Invitation Wedding Card Design For 2020

  • Published By:
  • Category: Market Updates
  • Published Date: October 16, 2020
  • Modified Date: October 16, 2020
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Latest Wedding Invitation Trends

Before everyone marvels at the beauty of your dress, before people are dazzled by the floral creations at your wedding, and before they have the amazing and mouth-watering food and beverages you have to offer, they are all going to look at your wedding invitations. These wedding invitations are not just a piece of paper, they play a major role in setting the tone of your wedding, they also create the anticipation of your upcoming event, which is why it is important that you pay attention to the invitation because this is the first official communication about your upcoming wedding that you will have with your guests. So, it is important that you consider spending a huge chunk of your planning time in selecting or creating or hiring someone who can provide you with the perfect wedding gift design.

Well if you are someone who is planning for your special day and wants the most important people in your life to join you on this beautiful day then consider to hire services from the best. And for this, explore things like having an international approach and checking out awesome wedding card design Canada, U.K. New Zealand, London, etc to get the idea and inspiration for your invitation card.

However, if you are a designer looking to get started with wedding invitation designing, then it’s important that you get yourself familiar with the latest trends in the wedding invitation designing industry. Well, you see most of the people don’t actually pay that much attention to the wedding invitations, but the wedding invitations are something that sets the tone of the wedding, and as the basics trends how people choose to celebrate this occasion with others changes, the wedding invitation trends also changes. Now, as a designer it’s important that you observe that, although the designing trends for wedding invitation cards have changed drastically, the information that people want to convey (generally it tells the receiver about the event, so it tells what to expect when to expect and how to expect it.).

So, as a wedding card invitation designer, if you want to have a certain class for your design, then its important that you effectively deliver all this information combined with a design that satisfies the latest trends in the market and so to help you out with the latest trends in the market, here are The Latest Trends In Invitation Wedding Card Design For 2020.

Marble Invitations

Yes, we know it sounds a little weird, but a lot of wedding cards designers have started to use marble as a printing material to make the wedding card look more authentic, unique, and impactful. Using marble as a base for the wedding cards provides designers with something to experiment with, as of today you can find a lot of wedding invitation cards on the internet that use marble as a printing material. Some designers have tried to incorporate this material to make the invitation cards look more royal, or to make it look more custom and modern. Marble invitation is something that has taken the wedding invitation cards industry by storm, and it is for sure going to be one of the most popular trends in the year 2020.

Sustainable Wedding Cards

Now, this is an eco-friendly idea that is not just good for nature, but also for having a really great impact on the people who receive these wedding invitation cards. Sustainable wedding card design is a major trend in the year 2020, and a lot of people are planning to use these just for the sake of the environment or for providing the people who receive these cards with something that they could cherish for a lifetime. You see most of these cards are made up of recycled paper and some even contain plantable seed paper that makes these cards one of the most unique wedding invitation cards and these are definitely hitting the wedding planning shops in the year 2020.

Online Invitations

As we all know that the world is hit by an unplanned pandemic and people who were planning on getting married this year have either canceled or, they have moved the ceremonies completely online. Eventually, COVID 19 has also drastically affected the wedding invitation designing industry, as people choose not to make physical contact with each other, online wedding invitation cards are on the rise. There are several ways people are solving these issues, one of them including creating a virtual graphic card and sending it out to other people, some of the designers are also using these opportunities to provide people with something entirely new, something that includes out of the world graphic designs with a strong web backend.

Well, as the number of COVID 19 cases around the world continue to rise with no possible vaccine for the virus yet, chances are that the online wedding cards invitation trend is going to be on the rise. Some designers and statistics even state that this might even turn out to be something that won’t go away, even after the pandemic, as these online invitation cards are way cheaper than printed cards and they are also graphically advanced than most traditional cards.

Hermit Chawla

By Hermit Chawla
who is a Marketing Manager at Sprak Design. He would love to share thoughts on awesome wedding card design Canada, Lifestyle Design, Branding Firm, Exhibition design etc.

Member since July, 2020
View all the articles of Hermit Chawla.

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