  • What’s New in SaaS Application Development in 2022?

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Developing at an accelerating rate, this element of the IT industry is roughly responsible for about 80 applications used by organizations on an average. One major benefit of using this technology is that companies don’t need to rely on in-house premise software systems and experts can be outsourced as required. It brings the kind of convenience and flexibility that is most important in the current hybrid work situation. With the current growth scenario, higher rates of adoption of these techniques can be expected.

Let’s cast a glance at some of the top SaaS application development-related trends that can be expected in the year to come

Stronger AI Integration

Even though AI is already highly integrated into different aspects of the industry, it is going to be seen taking a further forefront in the near future. It is going to be used for the purpose of monitoring patterns, anomalies, patterns as well as other system monitoring functions. They are also going to be useful in deciphering potential threats and remedying them before they hamper overall security.

Another essential we are looking forward to in AI technology is making it easier for use by say creating a plug-and-play kind of format. Even though pricing is a huge form reason for the selection of AI services from a certain provider, what helps customers stick around for longer is the comfort of use and reliability in terms of technical support. Having solutions that can be customized according to the users’ needs shall give a lot of edge against competitors.

The use of Vertical SaaS

It has been discovered that the use of vertical SaaS increases the chances to garner a higher target audience, due to the diverse application capabilities. It is going to be market-specific and hence the specific needs of the customers have to be attended to, customizing the user interface as and when required.

Besides this, the competition in the market makes it further difficult to create a name for oneself. It is predicted that the vertical SaaS market has seen a growth of about 300% in the past 10 years and is expected to continue to do so in the upcoming year too. With the industry of big data thriving the way it is, it is of critical importance to be able to use the data to the right potential and leverage it for the overall benefit of the company, which can be of use for increasing popularity amongst customers as well as superior product development. Having huge amounts of data can cause potential threats, but with the help of appropriate protection and data mining techniques, this can be fought adequately.

Focussing on SEO and content as part of SaaS

In any SaaS project, software development still plays a huge role, but marketing and all its aspects such as SEO and adequate content marketing are the pillars of brand promotion that will have to be relied upon for getting the project the reach it’s looking for.

Micro SaaS growth

Another trend that is here to stay is the use of Micro-SaaS, along with the larger SaaS Application development platforms. Some of these products are being presented in the form of browser extensions. An example of the same is the Grammarly app that helps determine errors in MS and Google Docs, Amazon Assistant that helps pick better products, etc.

Enterprise SaaS

This is the kind of SaaS Development that one needs to look out for in the future. Considering that the use of SaaS in enterprise markets has increased over the course of time, even though the solutions to something may not be immediately available, there is always the option of it being developed on the course, according to the specific requirements of the client.

New Collaboration tools

With the pandemic still surging through different parts of the world, there is a need for more collaboration tools. There are top runners in this field sure, but there is always room for new entrants because the market is far from saturation. This is where SaaS application development services in all their glory are going to become an integral part of the hybrid work culture that the world has adapted.

Shift towards no-code and low-code

This is a way of helping deliver apps that perform a single function well and faster. It means being able to use drag and drop formats rather than having to write separate functions one by one, through years of progressive SaaS App development. This is something that is going to be seen taking the forefront in the upcoming year.

Priya Sinha

By Priya Sinha
who is a Digital Transformation Consultant at Kellton Tech Solutions Ltd. She helps enterprises achieve competitive differentiation by focusing on meeting their long-term strategic objectives through Digital Transformation.

Member since January, 2022
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