yoga postures for your period
  • What Yoga Poses Are Good For Your Period?

  • Published By:
  • Category: Yoga
  • Published Date: October 4, 2018
  • Modified Date: May 13, 2020
  • Reading Time: 8 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Yoga Postures for Your Period

Since its introduction, Yoga has been considered that type of work out that requires all parts of the body. It involves a mind and body workout such that the body is stretched and strengthened while the mind is its full height of relaxation and meditation.

According to Yogi Bhajan, women’s vibes tend to be 16 times more powerful than men’s during their period thereby causing them to be usually different and extremely sensitive. However, Yoga has been seen as a source of help. While some women see no need in practicing Yoga at this time, those who know its importance see it as a form of miracle.

Usually, cramps are associated with the menstrual cycle and some try to cure this cramps using water therapy, OTC drugs, dietary modification and tonics. Instead of these, lots of money can be saved with Yoga practice.

There are peculiar yoga poses that can help relief pains, reduce bloating and energize the body. These poses will focus on your lower back and abdomen thereby giving you the soothe you need. It is best to stay calm and slow while practicing this poses in order to give you the time to connect with your mind and body.

Here is a list of the Yoga postures for your period and how to go about each of them to avoid complications;

1. Child Pose:

For those with cramps in the lower back, Child pose is a great option. It will mainly alleviate the back pain and make you feel relaxed.

This pose can be done by curling your body in a foetal position, bend forward by bringing your chest to your knee, raise your butt high and place your arms by your sides. With this position, take a deep breath and place your concentration on where the pain is felt.

2. Forward Bend

 This is for those who feel pains around the back, down the legs. It is done to stretch the shoulders, spine and hips. While you may feel this will be painful since the body is restless at this time, it is necessary to stand and bend forward to ease the pain.

For this posture, stand straight, bring your feet together with your thighs touching each other. Bend towards your foot and wrap your hands above your head.

3. Cat Cow Pose:

Unlike others, this pose involves a more active state. This pose is for those back and abdominal pains. With so much activity, it warms up the body and stretches the muscles situated in the back and abdomen.

For this posture, place your knees on the ground, bend forward with your hands placed on the ground for support. For the cow pose, inhale, with your back shooting out and for the cat pose, exhale to coil in.

4. Bound Angle Pose:

This is one of the simplest postures. It is for those with pains in the groin and lower abdomen. It also helps to relax and reduce anxiety.

For this posture, sit on the floor, open up your hips and wrap your fingers round both toes.

5. Seated Forward Bend:

This posture is mainly for people with headaches and restless during menstrual cycle. However, this should be done carefully especially for ladies with sore back. Seated forward bend helps to relief you of stress and depression, soothes the uterus and alleviate aches.

For this pose, seat on the ground, place a leg forward and wrap in the other leg such that it touches the leg placed forward. Bend forward with your fingers wrapped around the toes of the stretched leg.

6. Legs up:

This pose is great for those with pains in their thigh and lower abdomen. Lay back on a flat surface, spread your hands and raise your legs high with both legs touching each other. This should be done for about 5-10 breaths.

7. Corpse Posture or Savasana:

Well, most ladies practice this pose towards the end of their menstrual flow. However, if it seems like you are getting relief from other posture, corpse pose will be the best time at that time. It gives a soothing relief sooner than expected.

All there is to do this pose is to lay backwards, spread your legs and place both hands by the side. You can do this as long as you want.

8. Knees-Chest:

This pose has been likened to be one of the most effective postures for menstrual cycle. It reduces bloating, and relaxes the muscles, alleviates pains and relieves tension. It helps to channel inner strength thereby reducing anxiety.

For this pose, lay backwards and raise both knees towards your chest. Your hands should be used to support the connection between your knees and your chest. In the pose, roll from front and back and from side to side.

9. Arching Pigeon:

This pose is great for those who feel pains from their abdomen downwards. When in this pose, you get your hips opened and your abdomen stretched out.

For this pose, seat on a flat surface, move in your left foot towards your groin and slide out your right leg in a backward motion. Bend forward with your hands holding firm to the ground.

10. Reclining Twist Posture:

For those who feel pains in the lower abdomen and the lower back, Reclining twist is a great option.

Lie on your back and place your hands by your side. This will form a ‘T’ shape. In a slow movement, curl in your right leg towards your groin, raise your left leg as high as you can to easily wrap your hands around it. Hold your breath and do this for 3-5 breaths. Repeat this with your right leg.

11. Supine Twist:

This pose helps to ease the activities of the nerves as well as reduces abdominal cramps. It is believed that Twists detoxify and refreshes the internal organs during the menstrual cycle.

For this pose, lie on your back, relax your shoulders, hips and legs. Twist your left leg side wards without twisting your whole body. Repeat this with your left leg.

Relieving yourself of pains during the menstrual cycle is a bold step to take as most people are scared of facing their fears. Yoga poses help you to face the fears of cramps for an aftermath relief.

As important as this is, there are some Yoga postures that must not be practiced all through the menstrual cycle as they can cause unusual bleeding and cause an increased level of pains.

Here is a list of postures to avoid:

1. Shoulder Stand:

This pose can be done on your usual days but not during your menstrual cycle. It involves lying on your back and swinging your feet over your head. When you do this, the energy that should be produced for the required effect will be channelled in the wrong way.

This can even cause an increased blood flow as well as cause a production of excess heat around your pubic part leading to discomfort.

2. Seated Spinal Wriggle or Twist:

While the abdomen sure needs a twist to ease the activities of the internal organs, seated spinal twist can overestimate the abdominal part. Practicing this posture puts a full pressure on the pelvic compartment thereby causing a tight contraction.

If you want a twist during this period, the best is the supine twist where you have to lie on your back.

3. Headstand:

During the normal days, this posture is advisable for those who can channel their strength into it. Due to its exhaustive nature, it is totally disallowed during the menstrual period. As your body tends to be restless due to the continual release of blood, practicing a posture that is exhaustive will be disastrous.

Headstand can affect the blood flow thereby causing an unusual tension in the abdomen.

4. Breathing Posture:

Usually, it takes a pro to successfully undergo the breath of fire posture. Much more, it is advisable to avoid this during your menstrual cycle whether you are a pro or not. This breathing posture causes your navel to become a pump used to exhale toxins.

As this posture is powerful, lots of stress and tension is placed on your belly. While the menstrual cycle will naturally cause a tight contraction on the belly, breathing posture will make it tighter.

5. Backbend or Full wheel:

Backbend should be avoided all through the menstrual period as it also stretches the abdomen as well as the pelvis thereby causing discomfort. Just as the breathing posture, it saps your energy.

If you will feel better with a backbend, it is better to go for Floor bow as it is quite gentle for practice.

While some Yoga schools inform you of the practices to avoid during the menstrual cycle, some do not. However, with this tips, you should be able to take better care of yourself during your period. More so, take note of the changes in your body and avoid stressing your body beyond what it can take.

According to Consumer Health digest, women want to avoid any exercise during their menstrual period without knowing that exercise is the best way to get desired relief.

Just as its natural effect, Yoga works as the best when in discomfort.

Shawn Clark

By Shawn Clark
who is a health and fitness advisor and providing nutrition counselling all over Phoenix, Arizona for past 7 years.

Member since October, 2018
View all the articles of Shawn Clark.

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