experience travel costa rica
  • Experiences to Look Forward to on Valentine’s Day in Costa Rica

  • Published By:
  • Category: City Overview
  • Published Date: February 8, 2020
  • Modified Date: May 11, 2020
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Experience Travel Costa Rica

You can make this year for epic adventures and embracing the present moment. A wonderful way to do this is by travelling to a new country to indulge in a new culture and meet new people and experiences. A wonderful way to enjoy epic adventures is travelling to Costa Rica. There is a lot to look forward to in this beautiful country.

Enter Valentine’s Day

When love is on your mind when planning a trip to Costa Rica, you have to understand that it is celebrated differently. Universally, this moment is when people go out of their way to portray love to the people they appreciate and care for in an epic way. Valentine’s Day today goes beyond giving gifts including red roses, decadent chocolates, and cute stuffed teddy bears. Spending this day in Costa Rica offers an opportunity to indulge in memorable and meaningful experiences that portray your love from a different perspective.

Most people celebrate Valentine’s Day the traditional way of giving gifts, wearing red, and going on romantic dinners. On this day, you have to go the extra mile and prove your love creatively amidst the busy work schedule and other responsibilities. Going on holiday in Costa Rica with your loved one, best friend, or family gives more meaning to Valentine’s Day. Luckily, there are various experiences to look forward to here. These are bound to make your love stronger through care, patience, and effort.

Experiences on an epic Valentine’s Day in Costa Rica

Pura Vida

This phrase locally means pure life. You are bound to meet some of the happiest people across the globe. Look forward to endless smiles when interacting with locals. Travel significantly benefits mental health especially after working hard for some time. It is a wonderful way to recharge and fill up your body and soul. Valentine’s Day in Costa Rica will strengthen your relationship after rejuvenation by the various experiences to encounter. It is so easy to find Costa Rica luxury vacation rentals online for your partner or the whole family.

From here, you can organize epic adventures that make your feelings connect. This surely has a positive impact on your lives. Additionally, venturing out on the beaches, in the rainforests, and immersion into a new culture disconnects you from the daily stresses of life. It makes the trip a wonderful moment to spend quality time with your loved one. Costa Rica has various experiences to see nature from a different perspective and makes a well-deserved self-care habit. The pure life here is a reminder of a beautiful life regardless of your busy lifestyle.

Culture immersion

Every location in Costa Rica has a unique culture and rich history. Locals come from various backgrounds and ethnicities. Given the multiplicity of people in this country, learning more about the locals through interaction and culture immersion is fascinating. You will get endless moments to talk with locals and discover more about their culture and lifestyle. The friendly people are very welcoming and eager to learn your culture as well.

Enjoying nature

Costa Rica is blessed with natural beauty rarely found anywhere. Look forward to hanging out at the beach or going surfing. The environment here is surrounded by the mesmerizing ocean and palm trees. Regardless of where you choose to go, the mountains and dense rain forests are hard to miss. There is the ready availability of mountain trails to maneuver the abundance of lush vegetation cover filled with various species of flora and fauna. There are various waterfalls to mesmerize you with their fascinating energy and power.

Heart pumping

Have a unique Valentine’s Day experience by taking your loved one to a heart-pumping thrill ride. Maneuvering Sarapiqui River is quite a challenge having your palms get sweaty at the possibility. The raging rivers in the country are ideal for a range of activities to make your hearts racing. A professional guide is always available for your comfort and safety.

The guide will help you enjoy amazing experiences on the rapid rivers especially for first-timers. Taking the plunge to take on Costa Rica challenges is exhilarating and extremely rewarding. This is an opportunity to learn more about your partner while building a stronger bond with the surrounding people. Some of the challenging adventures to have a unique Valentine’s Day include:

  • Waterfall jumping at Gravity Fall
  • White water Rafting
  • Stand up paddling on the Lake Arenal
  • Hiking in Manuel Antonio National Park

Bottom line

Opting to visit Costa Rica this Valentine’s Day with a loved one, family, or personal treat will give you a lifetime adventure. Look forward to various moments as you celebrate life in this beautiful country. The beautiful, friendly, and welcoming people, nature, luxury accommodation, and a variety of options are enough to make you embark on this amazing experience. This experience is way better than traditional ways of celebrating Valentine’s Day.

Nancy Ahuja

By Nancy Ahuja
who is a fitness and nutrition expert and freelance blogger. She loves to write on food, health and travel.

Member since September, 2019
View all the articles of Nancy Ahuja.

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