best servo voltage stabilizer in India
  • Know the Reality behind a Servo Voltage Stabilizer

Featured Image Caption: Servo Voltage Stabilizers Applicability and Specifications

At present, to achieve constant voltage & safeguard of valuable appliances the Servo Stabilizer has become essential. With the help of servo stabilizer all electrical equipment can give the desired performance because electricity fluctuation is a very common phenomenon, therefore we have to install servo voltage stabilizer to protect our home or offices appliances.

Before we discuss it in detail, let me clear you that some of the electrical equipment like PH-Meter, X-Ray machines and recorders are usually get affected due to high main voltage. However, other appliances such as deep freezers, incubators, refrigerators, and other compressors get affected by low voltage.

Therefore, is necessary to know about the load & capacity which you require for your home, office, plant, factory or company. Whenever you make your mind to install a servo voltage stabilizer, it should be on the basis of load, if your company or your electrical appliances running 24×7, it has more chances to get affected very soon by electricity fluctuation. Therefore, to get constant voltage and save the electrical appliances, Servo Stabilizer is mandatory.

The reality of electricity distribution in most of the part of India is in the range of 230V to 415V with single and three phases. As three phases connection divides into 3 lines each of 230V. Most of the electrical appliances are working on 220V to the 240V range. A fluctuation of Voltage higher or lower requires correction that an Inbuilt SMPS with electronics may not provide or handle that much of high voltage, therefore, it would have more chance to get damaged.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to install a servo voltage stabilizer with your valuable electrical appliances before you get them damaged. Meanwhile, you also need to know the power fluctuations rates so that you can easily select the Input/output voltage window and power consumption in your home or office. If electricity is not constant, you need a servo voltage stabilizer to get protection against overload, overvoltage, short circuit, under voltage etc.

Applicability and Specifications:

Apart from it, we also need to know about the real applicability and Specifications of a Servo Voltage Stabilizer. We can take an example of best servo voltage Stabilizer Company’s servo stabilizer. Servostar’s voltage stabilizer is generally fabricated with world-class materials to ensure durability. Servostar’s voltage stabilizers are priced affordably and made to all quality standards.

If we talk about the applicability of Servo stabilizers, it has been used widely in several industries which are as follows:-

  • Textile Industries
  • Rolling Mills and in Mall & Complex
  • Cold Storage Plants
  • With Defense Equipment
  • Paper Mills & Lighting Loads and Inductions Heating
  • Flours Mills
  • Tube Mills Rubber Industries
  • Tea Estates and Footwear & Leather Units
  • Telecommunication industries
  • Offsets printing machines
  • Oil Industries
  • IT Industries
  • With Escalators & Elevators
  • Metrological Departments
  • Food Processing Units
  • Laboratory Equipment Etc.

Meanwhile, there are thousands of merits points of a servo voltage stabilizer but buying a servo stabilizer, you need to look after some of its specifications given below:-

Servo Voltage Stabilizers Specifications:

  • 98 % Efficiency Input Range
  • High Voltage Cut-off on 290V Input and 240V Output
  • Spot all electrical appliances
  • Voltage Range (Input) 90V to 290V
  • Turns on delay 5 seconds
  • Spike protection & Line noise
  • Performs in the wide input range
  • Available with Primary switching technology
  • Correct voltage without a break

Apart from it, if you are going to buy a servo voltage stabilizer for your equipment or machinery, you should know the voltage load and KVA need. Otherwise, electrical equipment may not give the desired performance with stabilizer also. It is a smart idea to install Servo Voltage Stabilizer, but one should also know about voltage fluctuation rate and a load of your Home/Office. Only then you can get appropriately suitable servo stabilizer. To know more about voltage fluctuation rate and load talk to experts.

By Shubham Garg
who loves to write and read about latest fashion & technology trends. I am working with servo star, which provides best servo voltage stabilizer in India.

Member since December, 2017
View all the articles of Shubham Garg.

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