  • Top 5 Mobile Marketing Trends to Follow in 2018

Featured Image Caption: Mobile Marketing Strategy 2018

Mobile marketing seems moving ahead of traditional marketing. The research shows the number of worldwide mobile users is expected to increase to over 6.2 billion. Compare to world population, 85% of the global population will be having the mobile device by year-end of 2018. It predicted that the users will perform more searches on Mobile than the desktop computer.

Easy availability of the internet/WiFi facility allowing users to surf online while travelling. People are using the mobile devices to find the information while moving, surfing the web, active on social media and doing various stuff one mobile device.

Now days the commuter has access to fast internet connectivity all over the world. This has increased the connectivity with others. People love to chat, share information, browse the website, get information about nearby location, watch videos etc.

For marketers, it is the right time to grab the opportunity. The marketing expert who performs best in this changing market will lead the business in long run.

Here are the top mobile marketing trends you need to focus on.

1. Responsive Email Marketing:

Email marketing is one of the best strategies which has proven its success on a desktop computer. Email converts better than any other lead generation strategy.

People are using mobile devices to check their emails. The company should take care of the design of the email. The design should be compatible to the mobile browsing. Also, it should be responsive. The responsive email template converts the size of the email according to the screen size. It gives comfortable browsing experience when opened on the mobile device.

Rather sending simple HTML emails to the users, always use the responsive template to send the marketing emails.

2. App Marketing:

App industry is growing rapidly. Your marketing plan is not complete until you add app marketing in it. The app technology has changed the way we find the information and share it with the world. There are millions of app available on the app store for Android and IOS that have billions of downloads. Your job is to find the right app use by your targeted users and place the ads to that app to gain brand visibility.

Although some apps will not allow you to place ads. There are several other local apps which you can target. Check the Google AdWords App marketing tool to place your ads to premium apps.

3. Mobile Friendly Website:

Your website is the platform where your users visit to get the information about your services or product. Your website must have a mobile-friendly design to give seamless experience while browsing. Focus on the neat elegant design. Do no stack unwanted information on your site. Keep the call to action button visible for instance, the contact us tab, email id, phone number etc details should be crisp and clear on the website. The study shows that simple design with the right placement of a call to action button performs best on mobile devices.

The mobile users surf the website quickly. They don’t go surfing in detail to find the information. The information which is available in the front are the only things visible to the users. You have to use that space to engage your users. Use bright colors to the call to action features. The colors are a great source to create attention. The big brands from all over the world are already using colors to create awareness of their brand. The bright colors stick in the brain immediately when surfing. Use this strategy to give the great experience to your users.

4. Analytical Advancement:

Many businesses avoid taking help of an analytical tool. Remember numbers shows the reality of your business which generally hidden behind the curtain. You should be tracking all the visitor’s data you received from different sources.

Using Analytical tool will help you to gather the data from different platforms like desktop, mobile, app etc. Once you have data in hand, you can perform the analysis to understand the user’s behaviour. In mobile marketing, the data speaks the reality of your website. For e.g. the users who visit your website are visiting the site through ads and not getting converted through contact form then there is something missing on your form or on the website. Either the form has an error or the information that your website has is not relevant to what users are looking for.

By analysing this data you can update the website and do the A/B testing to understand why people are not filling their form.

Analytic is going to play a big role in the marketing advancement. It is becoming essential for creating a marketing strategy.

5. SMS Marketing:

SMS marketing used to be the great source of marketing, but marketing company has used it till it got converted into spam marketing. SMS marketing still converts best in the local business. You need to use this marketing strategy smartly to avoid any disruption in the process.

The simple strategy is collecting the mobile numbers of the users from various sources. You can ask users to register on your website with mobile numbers or complete this activity offline. Once you got the mobile number, the first step that you need to do is giving them something that they can’t afford to lose. Give them a discount or offer some free service. The is just for creating attention towards to your brand. Once they are in, you can send the SMS when you have something special for them.

Try not to send SMS every month. No one like to get monthly SMS alert for the services, unless the value proposition of your service or product is high.

Now it’s time to implement the strategy to your brand. Let me know your feedback and share your experience with me.

Prashant Gorule

By Prashant Gorule
who is a digital marketing strategies and content writer working for the company Aasaanjobs offers marketing jobs in mumbai. I love to share my experience on changing marketing environment.

Member since October, 2017
View all the articles of Prashant Gorule.

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  1. Sandy

    Great tips on mobile marketing. Thank you.

  2. rabindra

    Very informative article on mobile marketing. These are the very useful tricks in the mobile marketing. Keep posting the informative article like this.

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