tapering and peaking in sport
  • What You Need to Know About Tapering and Peaking

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Those who participate in sports know that tapering and peaking are significant as they determine your performance on competition day. Preparing the body for optimum performance is an art that is a little bit difficult to achieve and requires the guidance of an experienced trainer. Using peaking and tapering techniques in training could raise your chances of presenting excellent performance on race day.

What is Peaking?

Peaking refers to as having your training seasons tailored towards building up your intensity. If peaking is not done correctly, it could result in burnout or an injury on the day of the competition. Additionally, you could experience fatigue as a result of the peaking phase running too close to the event.

What is Tapering?

After training, it is recommended for one to have a recovery period. The length of time that your body utilizes to recover after exercise is referred to as tapering. As we all know, we can’t perform at 100% intensity all the time. You need to have adequate time to rest. Tapering is one of the most important aspects of training that is commonly underestimated by many athletes.

How to Incorporate Tapering

There are four main types of tapering. These are slow decay, fast decay, step, and progressive tapering. The most common type of taper is the step taper, which is also referred to as linear tapering. For the athletes participating in weightlifting, step tapering could help them greatly.

Generally, step tapering refers to the continuous relief in the training load for a set time. Apart from weightlifters, linear tapering can also be used by athletes whose sports require peaking. For this case, one-step taper works very well for these athletes.

There are also other vital factors in tapering that you should consider. These include volume, frequency, and intensity. During tapering, one of the above factors should change. At this stage, workout supplements from steroidsfax.net could come in handy. Frequency refers to the number of training sessions per unit time. The time involved could be in weeks. Volume is the total amount of work done. It is calculated by multiplying sets by repetitions by total weight.

Advantages of Tapering and Peaking

A complete training session should include a taper. Those who don’t compete may consider tapering as more of a cool off than peaking. The primary advantage of tapering is to decrease training thereby improving performance. Every athlete aims to have an exemplary performance on the day of the race.

Retaining performance during tapering requires one to maintain the training intensity. A high-intensity taper reduces both volume and frequency. High-intensity tapering helps to increase force production, muscle glycogen content, and mitochondrial activity.


Some probably don’t know why it is essential to taper while some don’t know how to incorporate it within other exercises. The problem that could arise if tapering is not included in the training season is that an outer loop of working out with no end in sight could occur.

By Kate
who is an online journalist from Pennsylvania. She enjoys writing about the healthcare industry and women’s health.

Member since June, 2019
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