5 interesting ways to give to charity
  • 5 Easy Ways to Give to Charity

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Did you know that 61% of people have donated to charity at least once in the last 12 months and of that 61% 25% donate monthly to a worthy cause? Even in these hard times people are giving more and more to charitable organisations and with online giving increasing around 8% each year it has never been easier to donate to charity.

But in this busy world our charitable endeavours can pushed back month on month because we just don’t get around it or don’t know how easy it really is to be able to give a little back.

Cakes in Work

Is there an office in the world that doesn’t have cake sin work once a month? Whether it be leaving, starting, maternity or birthday cakes our office is always full of sweet treats. Why not turn that into charitable giving in one of two ways.

  1. You could donate £10 to charity instead of the cakes – no calories, no fuss just £10 to charity
  2. Why not ask for a donation for a slice of homemade cake – 50p to a worthy cause for a piece of quality cake that costs as much as £4 from a bakery

McMamillan Cancer Trust holds a coffee morning once a year in September, so you can always just create one big bake sale at work and raise a whole bundle. You can find them online with a free fundraising pack and lots of ideas. A great way to raise money for charity and have a worthy excuse for a bit of cake at 10am on a Wednesday.

Virtual Racing

In 2017, Strava advised that there were more runners than cyclist in the UK with 24.7 million miles logged in 12 months. With this increased popularity of an essentially free sport so does the opportunity at competition and the popularity of recording and acknowledging the results.

2017 saw the start of the Virtual Race. Online sign ups to complete a set distance or time in an agreed period (normally a set month) for a small fee and on completion a topical or fun medal to add to your collection. These medals tag on to popular culture such as Star Wars, Harry Potter and even fashionable slogans and drinks like Prosecco made me do it or Gin January.

If running is your thing and race bling your game why not look to using www.virtualrunneruk.com FOR YOUR MEDALS. This online company not only provides a full range of medals and a simple process, but they donate a minimum of 20% of your payment to charity.

Shop Online

We all like to save money when we shop, and shopping online allows us to compare and shop around without moving from the couch. But do you donate to charity, shop around and save money from your couch?

My Favourite Voucher Codes is a voucher code website that works with over 2,000 merchants worldwide including all your favourite stores. They don’t just offer you money off vouchers when shopping with them but every month they donate 20% of their profits to charity. You can even choose the charity that they donate to by voting in their poll and suggest future charities to be included.

Choose a Charity Shop

Whether it be buying or donating our high streets are full of charity shops and its very en-vogue to go vintage in your look. From designer bargain labels for under £10 and unique pieces for the fashionistas, there is lots of choice in charity shops.

You can save some space in your wheelie bin but donating your old togs to the shop. It might not fit, it might not match anything, but someone may just fall in love with that dress or trousers so pop it in to your local store and know that a few pennies will end up with a worthy cause.

Penny Jar

Its an old one but a good one. Why not just pop your old change into a jar at home or even just all your change under 50p. Over the course of a month or even a year those pennies all add up and you could regularly be donating a few pennies.

If you just put 1p coins in a mason jam jar you can save at least £10 every time you fill it. Such a small dedication to even picking up lose change around the house or even on the ground could all add up if we all did it.

However, you want to do it be it get fit or Christmas shopping we can all make small changes to give a little bit more to those that need it.

Tegan Groombridge

By Tegan Groombridge
who is a writer for My Favourite Voucher Codes on voucher code website that donates 20% of its profits to charity every month. In her spare time, she likes to read, play rugby and run. Her goals this year are to write more for her blog online and complete a 5km run in under 30 mins. She lives in the UK with her husband, cat Chui and dog Milo.

Member since January, 2018
View all the articles of Tegan Groombridge.

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