benefits of weightlifting
  • All You Can Gain from Weight Lifting

Featured Image Caption: Benefits of Weightlifting

Every person who has worked out at a gym can attest to meeting at least one show off individual who doesn’t mind showing the world what he has achieved so far. They spend minutes if not hours staring at themselves in the mirror as if they can’t have enough of their own reflection. Although they can be boring, such people can also be a motivation that you too could achieve similar results. They also show that weight lifting produces the desired results, which are improved fitness and health. With simple weight lifting routines, you can begin reaping the benefits of better health and a more fit body. Some of the other advantages you will gain include:

Stronger Bones

According to research, lifting weight can help reduce bone degeneration and strengthen the bones. It is therefore important in reducing the chances of having osteoporosis and bone problems related to age.

weight lifting for strong bones

Weight Lifting for Strong Bones

Improved health

By lifting weights, you’ll be burning off excess fats that usually accumulate around vital organs like the heart. This, therefore, reduces chances of developing heart conditions including having a stroke. Building your strength also helps in better absorption of blood sugar, which lowers the chances of having diabetes. This was proven by research done by BioMed research international in 2013. Lifting weights aren’t just beneficial to physical health but also to mental well-being. It helps reduce stress levels and chances of developing depression, both of which are important factors in maintaining good mental health.

Better physique

One of the best ways of burning off the extra fat is lifting weights. It builds your strength but it also burns off extra calories especially those stored in the stomach area. This leads to a flat stomach and stronger lean muscles. You also get an increase in energy, which improves your general mood.

With regular workouts, you also chance of having an injury greatly reduces. This is because you become more flexible and enduring. Your muscles are tendons become more resistant to tears that usually cause injuries.

Lower risk of heart attacks

According to research done in Dallas’ copper clinic, several people’s records were reviewed according to how frequently they exercised. Thousands of records were selected randomly then classified into the type of exercises such as weight lifting or aerobics.

The result was that those who lifted weight more had a remarkable reduction in chances of having a heart attack to 50%. This served as proof that weight lifting indeed has a direct link to healthier heart and lower chances of heart attacks.

Tips for novice weight lifters

Despite the benefits, you need to have the right techniques to lift weights properly. This is especially important for those who can’t hire personal trainers. Knowing what to do and what to avoid can help you achieve a lot with weight lifting.

tips for beginners weight lifting

Tips for Beginners Weight Lifting

  • Maintain cleanliness by wiping off the equipment you use and put them back in their rightful place when you’re done.
  • Avoid having loud conversations on phone or in person as it can be distracting to other people.
  • If you have something that someone else is using, ask.
  • Start with small weights then add gradually as you continue to work out.
  • Practice caution and take rests in between.


Given all the benefits of weight lifting, you can start working out at any time. Those who don’t want gym membership can buy their personal equipment.

Anna Kucirkova

By Anna Kucirkova
who is a copywriter over 4 years and loves traveling.

Member since August, 2018
View all the articles of Anna Kucirkova.

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