local listing and business growth ideas
  • Business Growth: It’s Time to Rethink

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Traditional business growth practice might not work in today’s global environment. Government policies are failing to create a border between foreign trade. The study has shown that people are now more open to purchase the product from other countries.

Online e-commerce businesses are allowing people to purchase product easily without knowing the country they are importing from. The business has become highly competitive in the internal era.

The companies who are stuck in the traditional business practice may find a hard time to sell the product. Consumers do research before take purchasing decision. The information is easily available in the market. If your product doesn’t fit into their category, then you will lose the potential buyers.

Your product should match the consumer demand. Also, the quality of the product matters the most. A decision taking power of the consumers has now driven by technology. They understand the quality better than earlier days. They know how the product design and development work, where they can find cheap and best quality product on the market. Your consumer understands the value proposition very well.

Although, some product might pass their rating easily. Fooling consumer on the technical aspect will not work in the long run. Your competitors are always there to tell people why they should not buy your product.

As the market is divided into many sectors, the consumers have many options to choose. The local business can’t rely on the local consumers. They have to learn from the global market and adopt the changing curve. Businesses today need digitalization in their business. Evolve technology allowing internal businesses to attract more customers beyond the political barrier.

Today anyone can start their own product line and sell it on Amazon or eBay. You don’t need the big infrastructure to start your company. In the earlier day, the logistic was a big pain for the delivery of the product, but now the problem is solved. The delivery is now taken care by the e-commerce portals. You can promote your business and sell the product directly from these e-commerce platforms.

Another most important factor in the business is marketing and growth hack strategies. The local business who are still connected to the newspaper ads or the magazine promotion will not survive for long. The media marketing is shifting them from traditional state to the digital platform. Your marking is now more concentrated on the online exposure. Since mobile devices became handy, people surf the web frequently to find the product they need. Local business must move their store to the online platform by creating a dedicated website.

Make a website to drive online customers. Digital Marketing will play a big role in the expansion. Learn the new marketing technique and execute it as fast as possible to stay ahead of your competitors. Local businesses can publish their website on Google and Mddir business listing. These two websites allow users to list their company website to drive more customers.

Online presence is must for the business success. People love to read information about your company before they take the purchase decision.

Follow these suggestions to transform your business:

1. Create a website:

The first step in the transformation is having your own business website. You don’t need to spend a huge amount on the development of the website. There are free templates available online that you can use to initiate the process. Choose one of the templates and register your domain name to make the website live.

2. Product placement:

Once your website is live the next step is placing your product on the site. E-commerce website struggle managing their Sometimes line of product list on the website. Sometime the product with big margin never gets the sale because they are hard to find on the website. so, to avoid such problem your product placement should be strategies to gain more profit. The product which is in demand should be listed on the homepage. Create the banner to tell people that they can find the popular product on the particular page. You can link the page to the banner so when people click on the banner they will be sent to the popular product page.

Another way of selling big margin product is placing them near the most popular product. This will give the users more information about your big margin product. The product which is visible all over the website manages to get more sales.

3. Selling on multiple platforms:

You can now start your business page on Amazon and eBay. It is easy to list your product on these sites and earn good money. These platforms are designed to give good user experience. Customer trust these e-commerce platforms. Your product on e-commerce platform will generate more sales. Start learning more about listing the product on these sites. You will find the information link in the footer section of these sites. The best thing about these e-commerce websites is they have reached a global market. Your customers funnel will be extended to the global market. You will start receiving orders from other countries as well. Your customer reach will be widened to the global market.

The logistics might seem the problem when you deal with the foreign customers, but now the problem is completely handled by these online e-commerce platforms. You don’t need to worry about the product delivery. You can focus on making the good quality product and rest of the things will be managed by these platforms.

4. Marketing Strategy for your business:

Your customers now all over the web. Your marketing activity must be a center for driving visitors to your online portal. Start creative presence on the social platforms. Top social platforms have millions of registered users who are continually involved in some social activity. Placing your business in between the buzz will create awareness in the industry. People who are interested in your product will reach out to get more information. You can assist them and direct them to your website product page for purchasing. The lead you generate from the social platform will increase the exposure in the region. People will express the experience in their community.

The mobile web is the new thing in the online marketing. It has estimated that mobile users will surpass the desktop search in coming years. You can target these mobile users through social promotion, paid ads, listing your business in google map and mddir or you can run the referral program to attract referral visitors.

The future marketing will be more focused on the mobile users than the existing platforms. so adopt the change quickly and become the fast mover in the industry.

5. Upgrading the quality of the product:

To stay ahead of the business you need to have a systematic structure to upgrade your product regularly. The quality of the product will elevate your profit. In fact, people take the buying decision by just reading the product features. Easy availability of the information has made the product comparison easy. Your efforts to upgrade the product will not be futile.

In conclusion:

Entrepreneur now need to rethink how they want to grow their business. The traditional practice will not work in the long run. The vision should be shifted to the more digital world. The online presence will generate more awareness about your product compared to the local marketing tactics. Adopt the change faster and start moving in the direction where growth is assured.

Prashant Gorule

By Prashant Gorule
who suggests to create local listings for local businesses by publishing their website on Google and Mddir business listing.

Member since October, 2017
View all the articles of Prashant Gorule.

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