bong cleaning hacks
  • Simple Steps to Clean Your Bongs to Enjoy the ‘High’

Featured Image Caption: Bong Cleaning Hacks

Increased marijuana proliferation in our society has welcomed the entry of new and advanced ways to enjoy the ‘high’. But nothing can beat the pleasure of getting ‘high’ through a bong, which is in the scene for a long time, dating back to 1100 A.D. It has evolved in shape and functionality since then, promising a better ‘high’ experience, within a short period of time. Sometimes, even one hit is enough to land you in your own ‘La La Land’!

But your affair with a bong is not always bliss and glee. Sometimes, it gets on your nerves when it is about cleaning this fantasy punch. Yes, cleaning a bong can be really hectic and tricky. The more complicated its structure, the more difficult it gets to clean it. And things get even worse when you leave it dirty. Bacteria and mold can grow on its wall and it also strains the taste of the hit.

Here are given some tips for cleaning a bong to retain your love for bongs:

Throw the Dirty Water:

The first step is obviously to throw out the dirty water and rinse it with clean and warm water. Warm water softens the residue attached to its walls.

Clean with Cleaning Solution:

After cleaning the bong with water, pour any good quality cleaning solution in it. There are various cleaning items available in the market, but it is better to select a cleaning solution made especially for this purpose. These cleaning solutions not only clean the bongs but also kill bacteria, which are likely to produce in bongs.

Shake it:

After pouring the cleansing solution, shake it. It is better to cover it with a silicone cap so that you can freely shake it vigorously. Shaking it vigorously helps to remove the resin from its walls and dissolve it in the solution.

Reach Out Headstrong Areas:

Bongs with complex structure have many stubborn areas which are difficult to reach out with just shaking the bong. Like, there are bongs with twisted pipe shapes and complicated bottom structure. These bongs can be the actual problem! In fact, experts advise newbie bong users to go with a simple design if they want to save themselves from the trouble of cleaning a complex bong.

But if you got allured with the beauty of a complicated bong structure and ended up buying such bongs on sale, then get ready to fight with the stubborn areas. You have to buy special brushes and scrubbers to reach out to these areas.

Pour Out Cleansing Solution:

Once you are fully sure that all the resin is removed from the walls, pour out the cleansing solution. Rinse it with warm water, then fill it with clean water and get ready to enjoy the ‘high’ again!

Removing dirty resin from water pipes of bongs might seem impossible, but if you know the right method and have required products, getting a crystal clear bong becomes way too easier.

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