prp acell hair treatment
  • ACell + PRP: Permanent Non-Surgical Solution for Hair Loss

  • Published By:
  • Category: Beauty Tips
  • Published Date: August 4, 2021
  • Modified Date: August 4, 2021
  • Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: PRP + Acell Hair Treatment

PRP a cell is a non-surgical therapy for hair loss. This treatment uses your blood to stimulate the growth of the hair. The PRP acell procedure is done in a quick office and does not take long to complete. PRP is a therapy that contains platelets, and these help to boost hair growth. Acell, on the other hand, is FDA approved substance that uses MatriStem technology. Acell for hair loss occurs naturally, and it helps in forming blood. It also recruits stem cells and absorbs them, leaving no scar or tissue behind.

PRP Acell

If you are not interested in hair loss surgery, you are a good candidate for PRP plus Acell injection. The therapy will help you to prevent hair loss if your hair is thinning. It is usually a non-surgical process used to restore hair. This treatment is not pharmaceutical or a drug. It is natural because it uses your blood. It helps to repair and remodel destroyed body tissues.

You can combine a cell with PRP and then inject it into your scalp. This mixture will make your hair look healthy, and it will grow well. The acell helps to activate adult stem cells, and the PRP therapy has more growth factors that promote more cell growth.

PRP acell treatment is fit for both men and women who are going through hair loss. This process takes about 90 minutes to finish. During the process, your doctor will collect a blood sample from your body and then process it to make a PRP solution. Your doctor will then inject local anesthesia on your scalp to numb it so that you may not experience any pain. If you are not driving, the doctor will administer some sedatives if you want.

PRP and acell will then be injected into your scalp using some injections. They will inject it on your entire scalp. They can also inject the therapy into your eyebrows or facial hair. The treatment will help to regrow your lost hair back. The recovery from this treatment is usually uneventful. You can manage the pain easily because your doctor will inject the local anesthesia on your scalp. If the pain is severe, he will give some painkillers that will help to relieve the pain.

You may also experience some swelling two days after the acell PRP therapy. The swelling around your forehead is normal and will go away after two days. After the injections, your doctor will advise you not to engage in any tedious activity. If you are in any workout activity, make sure to pause it for a few days. If you start doing strenuous activities, you will sweat, and this will make you sweat. And the sweat may cause some infections and slow down the recovery process.

There are no other severe side effects. If you experience any, make sure to call your doctor as soon as possible. You can clean your hair immediately after the therapy. You can also see the outcome as early as two months. Then the full results will be visible in four to eight months. You can take up to two years before maintaining the result of this procedure. But if there is no confirmation yet that this procedure is permanent.

How to Apply Acell + PRP Therapy

When applying this treatment, your doctor will mix PRP with a micronized particulate. The initial blood gives the PRP, which is separate and is then joined with Acell. After your doctor numbs the scalp, he will then inject this mixture with a fine gauge needle. He will inject it in a matrix pattern over the scalp, and he will focus on the affected areas of your scalp.

The Acell + PRP therapy helps to treat male pattern baldness. If you have recently experienced baldness, this process will be better for you. It also helps to treat female hair loss. Also, if you are losing beard hair and eyebrows, you can undergo the treatment. Acell + PRP can also treat alopecia areata and alopecia Totalism. Also, if you are suffering hair due to some medications or lack of iron, make sure to undergo the therapy. You will experience a natural outcome.

If you want to undergo this treatment, understand that it is hard to know how the treatment will work for you. If you respond well to this therapy, you can go on with it. If you have frequent hair loss, make sure to undergo the therapy two times a year.

Benefits of Acell + PRP Therapy

The Solution for Hair Loss Does Not Involve Surgery

One of the significant advantages of acell plus PRP is that you will not have to undergo surgery. During the process, the doctor will carefully inject the solution into your scalp to help your hair to regrow. You will not have to take time off from work because you can immediately go back to your everyday work after the surgery.

Side effects from this therapy are also rare, and you will not have to fear complications such as infections. You will see recovery quickly without any stress. If you combine PRP and acell, you will get natural and thick results.

There Are Little Chances of Scarring

There are no incisions made during the Acell + PRP treatment. Therefore, you will not experience any scarring. If you have any history of keloids or other wound healing conditions, this therapy fits you. The results for this treatment are great and are better than undergoing PRP therapy. Your new hair will look natural, and this means that no one will know that you have undergone the therapy.

Final Thought

Acell for hair loss is added with PRP to produce better results. You can undergo this therapy at any age. Make sure to undergo this treatment regularly so that you may maintain the outcome. Before you opt for this therapy, make sure to consult your doctor. There are no severe side effects that are associated with this therapy. Instead of undergoing surgery, make sure to choose acell hair loss.

Naman Modi

By Naman Modi
who is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at Beverly Hills. He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

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