car buying process
  • CarGuard: The Winning Choice for Car Buyers

  • Published By:
  • Category: Automotive
  • Published Date: December 28, 2021
  • Modified Date: January 7, 2022
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Car Buying Process

It’s no secret that buying a car can be a stressful experience. The whole process seems daunting, between researching beforehand to long days at the car dealership full of test-driving, negotiating prices, and protection plan options.

You can do some things to make the car buying process feel a little less frustrating. This article will talk about some ways you can improve the car buying process to make you feel more prepared and knowledgeable before you walk into the dealership.

Do Your Research

The biggest tip to making the car buying process feel less hassle is researching before going to the dealership. There is so much information available at your fingertips online that will help you prepare before entering the car dealership.

You can research dealership reviews to find the one with the best customer service, compare different car brands or models to see which is the best fit for your needs, search for price incentives, look at vehicle protection plans like those offered by CarGuard, and more.

The internet is the best place to start when buying a car. It can help you rule things out, answer a lot of your questions, and help you feel more informed and ready to tackle the car buying process without stress.

Know Your Price

Once you’ve done your research and narrowed down the vehicle that you want, now it’s time to get smart about the price. A car is a significant investment, so you want to make sure you know the price that you see is fair before you sign on the dotted line.

If you’re buying a used car, use a website calculator like Kelley Blue Book to help you find out what a reasonable price for that car would be. Their online tool lets you input the year, make, model, and details on mileage, wear and tear, etc., to give you an accurate estimate.

If you’re buying a new car, especially in the current market, you can expect to pay pretty close to MSRP (manufacturer suggested retail price). Many dealerships are adding additional fees to the MSRP, so it’s essential to know a reasonable price range for the car you want.

With the global chip shortage significantly impacting the automotive industry, it’s hard to negotiate the price of a new car, but knowing the MSRP may help you avoid paying unnecessary markup.

Understand Protection Options

Often, a car salesperson will throw a lot of information at you throughout the car buying process. It can be overwhelming to take in a lot of different numbers and scenarios, so it’s helpful to have a general idea of vehicle protection options like the ones offered by CarGuard beforehand.

By researching vehicle protection plans before you even buy a car, you can shop around and make sure you have the best rates and options that meet your needs. You can decide what coverage you need for your specific situation without feeling the pressure to decide on the spot.

CarGuard is an excellent option for vehicle protection plans because they work for the consumer rather than the dealership. Their plans are purposely written in easy-to-understand language, so you don’t need a law degree to understand what you’re getting.

When it comes to vehicle protection plans, you want to ensure that the company is fully insured and has suitable coverage offerings for liability and rental. These things are important because although you hope never to have to use your protection plan, you may need to.

Value Your Trade

The used car market is hot right now! If you are planning to trade in your current vehicle, it’s more important than ever to know the value of your vehicle in its current condition.

You can use a site like Kelley Blue Book or Carvana to help you understand what your car is worth.

These sites will take you through a questionnaire about your car to give you a price to either purchase your car outright or give you an idea of what to expect when trading to your dealer.

This knowledge is so helpful to make sure you get a fair trade or so that you make other arrangements if needed.

If Carvana gives you a better price than the dealer, you can sell it right to them. They will pick the car up and give you a check that same day. It’s an easy process and allows you to come to the dealership with cash for your down payment or even pay for your new car in full.

Have Patience

The car buying process takes time. It involves research, negotiation, and coordinating with different vendors, including the dealership, insurance companies, vehicle protection plan providers like CarGuard, and more.

The automotive industry is also facing unprecedented delays in manufacturing due to the global chip shortage. You may be waiting weeks or months for your car. That’s why it’s so important to start the process early and prepare to be patient. Your awesome new car is worth the wait!

Protect Your Purchase

As we’ve talked about, a new car is a big purchase. Make sure you’re protected by considering a vehicle protection plan. Companies like CarGuard offer no-nonsense protection plans that are easy to understand, affordable, and meet your lifestyle needs.

CarGuard focuses on the consumer by providing clear terms and prioritizing limiting any downtime should something happen with your vehicle. You can work with them directly to choose a protection plan that feels comfortable for you.

The peace of mind of researching and selecting a plan that works for you specifically is so freeing. The stress you feel at the dealership is significantly reduced when you already know your vehicle’s protection is taken care of by CarGuard.

By Shrey Jain
who is the Co-Founder of Writofy & a Chartered Accountant who works with a team of creative content writers. He holds a forte in creating informative content on niches like crypto, business, fintech, digital marketing, and several others. In addition, his willingness to learn and share his knowledge can immensely help readers get valuable insights on varied topics.

Member since September, 2021
View all the articles of Shrey Jain.

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