importance of wordpress
  • Factors That Affect WordPress’s Longevity

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Those who are in touch with websites and related content management are aware of the importance of WordPress within the scenario of content development and management. As a popular common platform, exclusively for content management, WordPress sustains its domination among other common web based platforms. Still there are several factors affecting the content management system’s longevity.

Some of the factors are pointed out and discussed below.

#. Sluggish loading time

When a customer visits a website, he or she expects to get the website fully loaded within one or two seconds. If the website does not get loaded within the expected time, most of the visitors will go back to any other site. Besides, there is less scope for a customer to include slowly loading websites in future web searches. To be specific, a customer/visitor does not want to know the reason behind the sluggish loading of a website. Instead, a customer/visitor is in need of instant result without any wastrel of time. Within this context, WordPress’s role in pulling back the target website from the visitor/customer in the form of cantankerous loading is visible and evident. One can see that sudden response without wastage of time and energy can bring forth success in business because lost time is lost forever and it is similar to a unique chance to utilized in a better way. So, this problem must be dealt with importance because customer/client/visitor base is the backbone of any business venture, in the form of a website. Besides, a web hosting public platform’s popularity is interconnected with its longevity because both the entities influence each other to an extent.

#. Lack of dedicated Support

One can see that server support is an important factor behind the popularity of any website aiming to gain popularity among visitors and customers. But it is extreme difficult for business owners to keep watchful eyes on their websites. Within this scenario, support teams can provide the website with support in the form of optimization. Still, unexpected things can transform a most popular website into least popular. So, fully dedicated support is essential for any website to sustain its popularity related to Google ranking. Here, open source code platforms like WordPress are user friendly, but a little bit difficult to gain momentum on the Internet and to sustain the same. One among the factors that totally affect the durability of WordPress is the lack of constant server support. The task to make sure server support to the websites operating on WordPress must be assigned to a separate team. Unless, ranking will come down and it will difficult to regain the past status, but a fully dedicated support team can easily handle this problem with ease. Insofar, constant web based support can reduce the problems related to the open code system of WordPress, but it is essential to have one in the form of an experienced personnel or as a team.

#. Inherent Security Issues

As a public platform with open source code, WordPress allows programmers to gain access to the target web page’s source code. Within the scenario of a website based upon WordPress, exposition of page source code is a serious security threat. When other programmers (say, those who are not related to a website’s programming, maintenance, and security) can gain easy access to a website’s source code, there is high chance for sharing the same with similar programmers who are interested in the same. Still, this feature of WordPress is generally considered as a positive aspect because it allows programmers to feel free by making their unique ideas within programming get executed. Besides, it helps them to go deeper into the future scope of software programming, identify issues (if any), and to adopt remedial measures, and to verify the effectiveness (remedial measures) in different conditions. Still, this sort of openness limits the scope of security measures and to be vulnerable to web based attacks. To be specific, availability of a website’s source code with less effort can attract the hackers and to identify any security breach in the source code. So, inherent security issue is another factor which acts totally against WordPress’s permanence.

Some programmers consider that the above issues are just the tip of an iceberg because open source code based platforms are with inherent problems. Still, the above mentioned drawbacks never force those who believe and accept that the Internet as a free virtual world with less restrictions on usage. Those who are newbies in programming choose WordPress because it is comparatively easier to use. If a business firm’s idea is to prepare and cheap website so as to start with their customer base, WordPress is the best choice. When one considers the inherent issues related the platform, especially less speed, technical and security issues, it is better to head on towards other available options.

Sandra Rueb

By Sandra Rueb
who is freelance writer as one among the best essay writing service providers.

Member since December, 2018
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