psychometric test online
  • The Relevance and Importance of Psychometric Test

  • Published By:
  • Category: Education
  • Published Date: July 30, 2018
  • Modified Date: May 13, 2020
  • Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Psychometric Test Online

Psychometric test is nothing but a mental test conducted for measuring personality, intelligence, aptitude, memory, sensitivity and many other points. In other words, it is a test for identifying the mental skill of people. While recruiting a candidate for a particular position, companies are putting in alot of efforts to find the right person for the job.

Companies now require applicants to submit their psychometric tests results during different stages of the process of recruitment. Some offices require a test result for submission when making the application, while some other companies demand that the tests should be taken during the final stages of the recruitment. Seeing the importance being given by the recruiters to the applicants for these tests, the question is whether it is the best way to select a candidate they need or not. Results are easily available to show how efficiently the recruitment process has been improved with the help of these tests. These tests have a good reputation for selecting the best applicant for a job and making it possible for the company to save money and time. The test result provides objective information for the recruiter and it is better than an interview.

Recruiters look at the test results to come to a conclusion, and this is acceptable as a long-term benefit for the company. However, there are thousands of instances where applicants may have done well in academics but have failed to prove themselves in office work. On the other hand, it has been seen that manipulations by recruiters have come to light where they have selected their preferred candidates despite results by others being better. These points provide a good reason for candidates to fight over the authenticity of psychometric tests.

Knowing very well that a candidate for a job will be suitable for the test, many websites have made it possible for candidates to prepare well for the psychometric test and gain some level of experience. It is also mentioned on the websites that the questions in the practice tests will slightly be different than from those asked by the companies. However, it will be easy for candidates to get familiar with the tests after lots of practice. This shows that the candidates who have prepared for these exams will definitely deliver better results than the ones who may not have prepared. These results will also mean that the companies are selecting applicants simply looking at the results without making a proper judgment in a one on one interview.

It will be a lot easier for companies who have the system of psychometric test in place to ensure that they will be able to select the right candidate. This means that the companies will have to make arrangements for this test to ensure the applicants go through the screening properly before they have to undergo the test. This test also makes the recruiter find out candidates who are not suitable for the job, maybe they do not have the desired qualities in them which the recruiters are finding.

Let’s now discuss as for how to use the psychometric test for this purpose:

  • Know the local law – when an HR department of a company decides to make use of this process, they should make sure that the local laws pertaining to it are correctly followed in the process. These tests are taken on the internet. So it is better to check with the laws before using this method. For example, in the United States of America, due to the American Disabilities Act, it is necessary that the tests should maintain the privacy of the candidates and should not diagnose the candidates. The results should not be discussed with other candidates.
  • Understanding the business requirements – the test will not help if well-established measures of the job performance are not evaluated. If a company does not have a qualitative method of assessing the performance then the right candidate will not get the selection. Since the test is done online, so select the best website. With the correct website usage, it is found that the company will flourish in the future, as it has selected the right candidate for a particular position.
  • The risk of cheating – make sure that the candidates do not make someone else sit for the exam on their behalf. It is better to arrange the test within the office premisesso that there will be other officials to invigilate them. This way the risk of cheating will reduce a little bit.

Before selecting any website for conducting the assessment online, it is necessary that the HR team can just try out the test on their own for making sure whether it will be good for the organization recruitment process or not, to select the best candidate.

There are thousands of psychometric test providers available in the market. And everyone promises to give the correct result of their tests. Out of thousands and the upcoming new ones, it becomes a problem to select one from the bulk. Usually, the beginner ones give a trial account and test for the recruiters to go through, to know how good it is. As the providers, initial focus is to gain reputation in the market and then to make money. The recruiters should know that they are looking for, though the search isn’t too tough either. Scrolling through the pages of the search engine they will definitely get the right one, which will be suitable for the business. Today over 75% of the companies in the United States of America, UAE, South Africa, United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia prefer this test, as it yields the right person they need.


The Psychometric test has become rampant across a few industries, more in the BPOs, Information Technology etc. However, there is only one disadvantage in this test. Recruiters cannot overlook these matters, just because they are using this test. This test does not ensure how long a candidate will remain in the office. Only qualified professionals should design these tests.

Gloria Brown

By Gloria Brown
who is a blogger and loves to write home improvement related blogs. I like to stay updated with current affairs and always prefer to share my knowledge with others.

Member since July, 2018
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