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For many people, travel is about having a fantastic time on vacation or focusing on work, but neither concept necessarily encourage much self-care. Whether through over-indulgence, carelessness or working too hard, our physical wellbeing can often be pushed to the bottom of the list. While this might not be such a concern for people who travel now and again, people who travel frequently cannot afford to take risks with their health. The last thing you want is to have your plans interrupted or spoilt by poor health, especially if you have a schedule to keep to. If you are travelling frequently, here are some simple tips to help you look after yourself.
Make sleep a priority
Sleep is the best way to recharge your battery when you are exploring new places, but unfortunately, it can be difficult to get good quality sleep when you are on planes, trains or buses and staying in unfamiliar hotels or hostels. Without proper sleep you will be putting your mental and physical health under stress, so make sleep your priority.
Eat a varied, nutritious diet
When travelling to new countries with delicious and exciting cuisine, it can be tempting to overindulge in meals high in fat, sugar and carbs. While it’s absolutely fine to try a variety of dishes, be sure to include fruits and vegetables for a balanced diet. This will help to ensure you get the vitamins and minerals you need to maintain a strong immune system and good energy levels.
Stay hydrated
It’s essential to give your body enough water to function at its full capacity, but all too often a busy travel schedule can mean we opt for sugary, alcoholic, and caffeinated beverages. It’s important to check whether it’s safe to drink the water in the local area, and if you are in any doubt, it is best to drink bottled water. If you are about to embark on a long trip or have just returned from one, consider undergoing drip IV therapy Los Angeles to boost your hydration levels.
Walk as much as you can
In addition to a balanced diet and hydration, it’s important to be active when you are travelling, particularly if you are spending long stretches of time on public transport. Whenever you have the opportunity to explore somewhere on foot, climb a hill for a better view or to take the stairs rather than the elevator, remember your health and push yourself to stay active.
Get outside when you can
While we should be protecting our skin from the UV rays from the sun, there are health benefits to getting out in the daylight. Sunshine provides us with Vitamin D, which is important for regulating minerals in the body that support healthy muscles, bones, and teeth. It has also been shown to improve our mood and help people struggling with depression.
Wash your hands
To reduce the likelihood of picking up germs, wash your hands whenever you can. If you cannot access soap and water, carry a small bottle of hand sanitiser and/or antibacterial wipes.
Be social
This is a very important point for solo travelers, but even those travelling in a group should try to be as social as they can. Humans (even the most introverted to an extent) thrive on relationships and interactions with others. Try to meet some new people wherever you travel and immerse yourself in the local culture.
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