  • Winstrol – Good for First Cycle?

  • Published By:
  • Category: Health & Fitness
  • Published Date: December 11, 2021
  • Modified Date: December 11, 2021
  • Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Winstrol

What is Winstrol?

Winstrol is a type of anabolic steroid which is the brand name of stanozolol. Winstrol is a prescription only drug and is used as a preventive medication to prevent hereditary angioedema which is a medical condition or a disorder in which different areas of the body swell like the airway, face, limbs, etc. It is similar to testosterone and is classified as a schedule III steroid. Those who use Winstrol to treat hereditary angioedema observe a decrease in the frequency of angioedema and its severity. By using this steroid, one can reduce the production of bradykinin which is responsible for causing inflammation. It is also used in the field of bodybuilding which not only builds muscles but also burns fat which makes Winstrol for cutting as well.

Side Effects Of Winstrol:

People face different side effects while taking Winstrol. These side effects can either be rare or common and can either be mild or can even be fatal. Side effects that can arise as a result of this steroid are as follows:

  1. It can lead to a change in voice by making it deep or hoarse.
  2. Using this steroid for a long period of time can result in the enlargement of the clitoris.
  3. Females who use this often face irregularities in their periods.
  4. Most users also experience baldness while some experience facial hair growth.
  5. It can result in an allergic reaction that involves swelling of the face, tongue and can also lead to difficulty breathing.
  6. Excessive use of this steroid can lead to changes in sexual desire.
  7. Its use can cause headaches.
  8. Some users report sleeping issues where they find it difficult to sleep.
  9. Females who use this for longer time periods and on high doses can develop the characteristics of virilism which is characterized by the development of masculine features in women.
  10. Some of the infrequent side effects of Winstrol include water retention, prostate enlargement, prostate gland cancer, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, etc.

Winstrol Bodybuilding:

Bodybuilders who want to build their muscles and burn fat tend to use Winstrol which is also known as Winny. It not only helps to boost acceleration but also helps in faster recovery from strenuous exercises. Bodybuilders not only take Winny alone but those who are professionals or advanced users use it in a combination with other steroids.

Winstrol Cycle For Beginners:

Although the use of Winny is not recommended in the first cycle or to be used by beginners, still if done so the cycle should be followed by PCT or post cycle therapy to minimize any adverse outcomes. Beginners who are taking Winstrol in a cycle should not stack it with other steroids due to the high probability of having more severe side effects, instead, it needs to be consumed as a sole steroid. The recommended dose is between 8 mg to 10 mg a day and the duration of such a cycle should not exceed six weeks. Moreover, as a post cycle therapy or PCT, it is advised to take Nolvadex in other words tamoxifen in the dose of 40 mg for a period of 45 days to prevent any occurrence of side effects.

Winstrol Oral Cycle:

It can be used by athletes and bodybuilders in combination with other steroids mainly for the purpose of cutting or shredding fat from the body. The normal or average length of its cycle is anywhere between six to eight weeks and if used more than that can lead to damaging the liver and an increased level of cholesterol. You can buy Winstrol oral to use it in a cycle. Some of its cycles are as follows:

Winstrol and Anadrol.

In this cycle, which can be a little bit peculiar, bodybuilders tend to get a physique or appearance which is full and ripped. But it is a potent combination and should only be followed by advanced users or who are experts with taking steroids. In this cycle, the dose of Anadrol should not increase or go beyond 50 mg a day whereas the dose of Winstrol should be between 20 mg to 25 mg a day. It is imperative to go on a post cycle therapy which consists of taking Clomid in the dose of 100 mg for a period of 30 days at least and HCG which needs to be taken for at least 20 days every other day.

Winny and Testosterone.

In this cycle, the dose of testosterone should be in the range of 200 mg to 300 mg a week and the everyday dose of Winny should be in the range of 20 mg to 25 mg. This can be either a bulking cycle or cutting cycle as one will see massive muscle gains with fat loss as well. However, due to water retention as a result of testosterone, this cycle can be primarily used for bulking purposes.

Winny and Trenbolone.

The cycle which involves taking Winstrol with trenbolone can be extremely strong due to which it should only be used by advanced users. Using these two steroids in a combination or stack will lead to burning or cutting fat with huge gains in muscle size. In this cycle, the dose of Trenbolone should not exceed 225 mg a week and the dose of Winstrol should be not more than 25 mg a day. The total duration of this cycle should not be more than six weeks. It is advised to take two tablets of Clomid in the dose of 50 mg for a period of 30 days along with HCG 2000 IU which needs to be taken for 20 days every alternate day and two tablets of Nolvadex for 45 days in the dose of 20 mg.

Winstrol And Clenbuterol.

Due to fat-burning properties, people use Clenbuterol in a cycle with Winstrol. This is a cutting cycle where the dose of Winstrol is kept constant at 20 mg and the dose of Clenbuterol is between 20 mcg at the start and can go up to 110 mcg at the later stages of the cycle. It is advised to take Clomid in the dose of 100 mg for a period of 30 days.

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